Monday 13 February 2012

Greek Mythology-Centaurs


Centaurs were descendants of Centaurus. Their behavior is uncouth, small amount of wine makes them aggressive and wild. All were followers of Dionysus except for the wise Chirion. Their creation was determined when Ixion fell in love with Hera. Zeus grew jealous and created a look a like out of cloud called Nephele. Ixion mated with Nephele thinking it was Hera, this resulted in a son that was called Centaurus. In later years Centaurus mated with the mares of Thessaly as a result Centaurs where created.

Chirion- He was the only immortal Centaur. He was known for he’s kindness and wisdom. He tutored great heros such as Archillies, Asclepius and Actaeon. He taught music, medicine and hunting skills to them.
Although Chirion was immortal, he was doomed to die. Hercules persuaded Pholus to open a jar of wine. When the jar was opened other Centaurs gathered as they could smell the wine. A fight broke out between Hercules and the Centaurs in which Chirion took no part, Hercules wounded Chirion. As he was immortal he didn’t die but lived a life of pain.
He traded he’s life for the freedom of Prometheus.

Centaurs being violent and ruthless, did not obtain relationships. Instead they raped women and battled with men.

Centaurs are a mythological creature that is half horse and half human. They have the body of a horse and where the neck would normally be sits a human torso. They often are holding a bow and arrow.

An arrow with a line through the stem, this is also the symbol for Sagittarius.
Centaurs symbolize violence, lust, adultery, brutality and the devil.

Evolution through history To this day Centaurs are still recognized in modern times. They are the symbol used for the zodiac sign Sagittarius and there is a Canadian sporting contractor called Centaur that creates all sporting equipment, sporting grounds, scoreboards and much more. Their logo is a line drawing of a centaur.

3 Sports associated


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