Tuesday 28 February 2012

Melbourne Sports Museum Critiques

The Olympic Rings

Date: 1913
Artist: Pierre De Coubertin
Medium: Cotton and thread

The design displays 5 rings, blue, red, black, yellow and green. These 5 colours are to represent the unity of the world as at least one of the colours are in each nationalities flag.
The design is completely centred against a white background achieving a strong use of figure and ground. The linking of the rings creates unity and makes the message solid.
The centre ring is black which makes the other colours more striking, this makes it more balanced as a whole. The Olympic rings was designed during the Expressionism era in art, it does relate to this period in the way of its expressive use of colour but to me it has more of a minimalism appeal to it because it has no heavy textures, just kept simple with a lot of white space.

Link: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.238247699542593.66932.100000720933754&type=3

Michael Klim Swimsuit

Date: 2000
Artist: Speedo
Medium: Swimsuit material

The bathing suit worn by Michael Klim at the 2000 Sydney Olympic games was designed by Speedo. The swim suit is navy blue with bright green stitching. On the side on the hip it has “Aus” with little stars, the Speedo logo and the Olympic flag symbol. The navy blue reflects the navy blue on the Australian flag the white logos are emphasized against it. The green stitching creates definition and keeps the suit looking balanced. My opinion is that the suit is bland, but when its for a professional race less is more therefore the green stitching it what gives it its that tiny bit of emphasis needed.

Link: http://s8.thisnext.com/media/largest_dimension/48CBF852.jpg
(closest i could find)

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